Sulfur crowned gannets
Raining like brimstone
Having sown wild oats
Two thousand km away
Honing their flints
With pearlers and bounders
Return to fight, for a
Place in purgatory
Their mere centimetres square
Of guano-coated bedrock
Spearhead since '95...
... one of those sugary crystal ray days
On a roll, you stroll down the beach
To the praise of the waves
Where they overtake the island
With sun-drenched clarity, you continue
Onwards with Moses' authority, and
The waves recede, as you knew they would
Further back than they possibly should
You continue, to the western outreach
Entering the cave through rocky teeth
Somehow still dry, now sharply aware;
Brain keening dangers, the value of air
The fact that blind faith has found you
In here...
..shining with light, no turning back
Stuck to the fate of your one minded track
Waves returning, hailing rebirth,
A final distraction, lies there on the earth
A friend's body - The cost of this tour
(You stupid stupid bastard!!!) (adrenalin surge)
Fortunately though, a fleeting apparition
A warning against mission's repetition...
Coming full circle, feet still dry
You smile to yourself
And the crystal ray sky
And the sparkling black sands
Along Muriwai
Where sulfur crowned gannets
Continue to reign
And the praise of the waves
Will always remain.

Labels: electronica, existentialism, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, philosophical poetry, philosophy and music, philosophy music, poetry