Fat Hairy Man At The Beach
From the seas salt laden sanctuary
My Dayself as exposed
As the eternal shadows
Cast on Hiroshima's walls
I know I am not enlightened.
My Nightself - my eyes
Bow uncomfortably
'Neath beauty's harsh light
Seeking Bolle-yellow relief.
How many comments, and looks,
Slid over me
Before I began to care
Blinded and bound by conformity's rack.
Under night's majesty and grace
I forget myself
Dancing with naked joy
My phoenix risen
I taste the stars
Letting the universe breathe me in.
O Dayself, forget the light.
O Universe, breathe me in.
Breathe me in.
Labels: electronica, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, poetry