Metamorphosis Under Epsilon Centaurus
I want to be clear, like the chandelier
rattling in the empty space
from whence my brain is absent
with windowpanes illuminating the interior
sockets in my empty face
scoured by an icy wind's glint.
And when I am clear, I will roam
unhindered by sanity and illusion
disrobed of time's baubly raiments
tunneling gravity's unlikely boundaries
emerging slippery and wet, wriggling,
a worm cast from your smile.

rattling in the empty space
from whence my brain is absent
with windowpanes illuminating the interior
sockets in my empty face
scoured by an icy wind's glint.
And when I am clear, I will roam
unhindered by sanity and illusion
disrobed of time's baubly raiments
tunneling gravity's unlikely boundaries
emerging slippery and wet, wriggling,
a worm cast from your smile.

Labels: electronica, existentialism, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, philosophical poetry, philosophy and music, philosophy music, poetry, Science, science music
Oh to be clear. Just make sure to leave yourself some 'wiggle' room. ;^)
Take care,
I like the way you've navigated thru your prism of 3 colors and have arrived at this clear space.
"I will roam unhindered by sanity and illusion disrobe of time's baubly raiments" does convey, quite lyrically, your spiritual striptease.
Hi Glenn,
Stunning lines...loved reading it..
"I will roam
unhindered by sanity and illusion
disrobed of time's baubly raiments
tunneling gravity's unlikely boundaries
emerging slippery and wet, wriggling,
a worm cast from your smile
dust to dust"
What a rebirth, find your own way out of the womb...
Bob- lo, yeah and I need plenty of that!
Mandolina - I have been a bit tangled with the colour thing, and being a little shy of inspiration this full moon (lack of kids sleep and therefore mine) I guess I fell back on trying to escape it in words. There is a bit of a striptease to it and also more pointed comments for those in the know;-)
Abhay, I'm guessing you have related to the quantum side of things :-)
Ozy- no surprise - relating to sex ! (umm by the way are you Australian by birth?) - well and of course the spiritual side of rebirth etc.
Thank you all for your comments.
Everything relates to sex, and I mean everything. If there is something that doesn't relate to sex it is an abhoration, and afront to human nature and should be destroyed.
my tea does not relate to sex.
while i enjoyed the poem overall, it's a bit early still and i didn't really wake up until "dust to dust/lime green falling/on/me"
the image, then, was of lime green dust being sprinkled over someone's head.
could be weirder, i suppose...
thanks for the eye-opener, glenn
(i will read the poem agin later, with a bit more sanity)
Hi Katy, not one of my best! I was going to end on a worm cast from your smile, but then decided to end with a bit of unhinderedness. The meaning within the poem was actually secondary to mood as I was just venting a particular feeling (probably one there is no English word for lol)
So now its gone. Will save lime green for later:-) Thx Katy.. I wasn't happy with that all ,
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