Three Colours Blue
Skies of blue
Eyes of blue
Blue suede Hawaiian
Blue moon blues
"There ain't been no woman
No there ain't been no woman
Lord there ain't been no woman
On the mooo ooo oo oo oon"
Blue Meaning
On a bellyache of blue meaning
Shiva began his dance
A blur of blue arms
in rhythm with the trees
amidst an azure washed
sea of reality.
He observed his fingers play bass
Mingusly melding sounds and surrounds
perhaps his finest and final performance.
Unsure of the breathing walls
his melting extremities
and the encroaching maelstrom of furnishings,
he sought sanctuary
as his invisibility began.
How sad, how sad, how..
With streaming tears
he huddles
foetus like
in the one position
where eternity ranged still,
clinging steadfastly to his id
drifting through a formless nowhere
blue blood pooling silently
around his final word.
Coda Blue
You sold your pain as truth
Casualty of a misspent youth.
You blue your brains to try and see
The truth inside of you and me.
Now you chill in deathly silence
Victim of your own dumb violence.

Skies of blue
Eyes of blue
Blue suede Hawaiian
Blue moon blues
"There ain't been no woman
No there ain't been no woman
Lord there ain't been no woman
On the mooo ooo oo oo oon"
Blue Meaning
On a bellyache of blue meaning
Shiva began his dance
A blur of blue arms
in rhythm with the trees
amidst an azure washed
sea of reality.
He observed his fingers play bass
Mingusly melding sounds and surrounds
perhaps his finest and final performance.
Unsure of the breathing walls
his melting extremities
and the encroaching maelstrom of furnishings,
he sought sanctuary
as his invisibility began.
How sad, how sad, how..
With streaming tears
he huddles
foetus like
in the one position
where eternity ranged still,
clinging steadfastly to his id
drifting through a formless nowhere
blue blood pooling silently
around his final word.
Coda Blue
You sold your pain as truth
Casualty of a misspent youth.
You blue your brains to try and see
The truth inside of you and me.
Now you chill in deathly silence
Victim of your own dumb violence.

Labels: electronica, existentialism, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, philosophical poetry, philosophy and music, philosophy music, poetry
Having a blue Monday, hugh? Me too...
Hija Ozymandiaz and TJ. Glad to see you getting into the blue stuff too. TJ the bits in "" can be sung to standard blues riff.
hi Glenn,
loved all the three ...the first one rhymes well, the second one very is deep and thoughtful..just after Shiva may be His would be more appropriate..
and last one for its poerful words..
you blue your brains...
these are the words of a clever poet at work.
and love the idea of experimenting with colours as inspiration.
Hey Glenn, I like the 3rd one best so far and this color over the other two. Of course blue is my favorite color. I fooled around with red and green back in Feb. and now I feel the urge to explore other hues. Yours are fresh and very original like all your other offerings. Take care!
Hi Abhay, Have made your recommended change! (oops).
Thanks Bob and Katy.
Hi Vasanta, Thanks, and I will.:-)
really liked the last verse.
Hi Andy, Thanks for your kind words. I have noticed you have been busy commenting throughout the blog, so I will just take this opportunity to thaank you for all of your comments. Most kind. I have looked through quite a few of your poems now, and it seems to me we have quite a bit in common stylistically and for variety of style and content as well.
interesting to use blue as a verb.
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