Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I hope death has time
Time to answer questions.

The evidence suggests
The universe is accelerating:
Time is going faster
People are getting massive.

As I finish re-searching the fridge
I consider other weighty matters:
To where do Buddhists retreat
Why am I attracted to fridge magnets
Who bought 12 billion bullets last year
Why do mirrors reflect left and right
But not up and down.
I hope death isn't hungry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hungry or not, let's just hope it doesn't see us in the fridge!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 6:15:00 AM  
Blogger katy said...

familiar...just a bit. universe expanding, people growing massive. i like the spin around here.

also, i really liked the way the questions read without the question marks. something... odd and curious... something rhetorical about the whole poem.

i enjoyed reading it very much. and here i go, to read it again.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006 7:17:00 AM  
Blogger rch said...

I love the part about the mirror Glenn, never thought of it that way. The questions keep coming on this one. Love the title, solstice is one of my favorite words.



Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:24:00 AM  
Blogger (c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Love it, I remember thinking the mirror thing when I was a kid. Enjoyed seeing you the other night, but everything went so fast, time..... :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:14:00 PM  
Blogger ozymandiaz said...

If our eyes were one on top of the other than the situation would be reversed and yet the same question asked. I just want to know one thing…what’s in the fridge?
p.s. I have had many a conversation about expansion, or should I say arguments. I have always viewed it that if the universe is expanding so does the fabric of the universe and being that everything, including us, is made of that fabric we must be expanding too. Than again I don’t buy the whole Big Bang theory of the universe (though I am not a creationist either) so I don’t believe expansion is occurring. I just like arguing, I think, at least about such things as these.

Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:13:00 AM  
Blogger White Square said...

Hi Glenn,
I think Death is our friend that gives freedom from the cruel interests of life. More in a poem to come...
What I really like here is your breadth of imagination that encompasses the whole universe and bringing science and arts closer though a very fine medium of poetry..

Thursday, June 22, 2006 6:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see death as a friend but as a transition point for those who go and those left behind. I enjoyed reading this, if 'enjoy' is the word given that I'm grieving right now and hoping above all else that one day death will answer my questions. x

Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

Shirley.. don't know about that, but there are a lot of dead things in our fridge.
kAty.. I wrote the questions more as a statement of questions I had considered rather than asking them, so in a way they were not exactly rhetorical either as you noted. Questions in poems bug me in general (perhaps like capitals to you! - well no. I presume you have a specific reason not to use them. I quite often don't use them either) I find that often they are the same old questions being asked, but also they kind of intrude into my thinking about the words, and also I think if you, as a poet, have something to say, then you should have thought about it enough to suggest an answer or something like it. Its kind of imtellectually lazy or immamture. Hey but thats just my view.
Leigh,.. Actually I do know the answer to this one. I have found most people have never stopped to think about what they see in the mirror, so good on you already:-) I had a great time at your party, and only wished I could have talked more with you and Michael about poetry! But as you noted.. time :-)
Ozy.. from your picture I see you have managed to find a middle ground between vertical and horizontal vision already. Regards the expansion/contraction thing,it's my view that the edge of the universe is fractal like in nature. That is to say that there is a boundary that is able to extend in 3 dimensions infinitely but is enclosed in 2 dimensional boundary layer.. There is a parallel we can observe- the mandlebrot set/line is able to be viewed to infinitely regress but is enclosed in 2d space.. ie a line of infinite length enclosed in a finite area. If this is true at the boundary of the universe then the rest of the universe may or may not necessarily expand as the boundary expands. Actually i think the whole idea of dimensionality is just a human construct similar to time, and whilst useful, bears no resemblance to reality. (where do you end and other stuff begins? etc)
Abhay, i have to agree about death, If you know you have a week to live you would live it as you choose fit and probably very intensely. Well we are all going to die, so why not take note of that and live as best you can every moment. I have a science degree but have played music for years and spent 10 years teaching English, so I enjoy having the facility and desire to mix arts/science. Most people are usually one or the other. I'd love to talk with you in a bit more detail about my 'Pachinko' theory of the nature of everything and a grand unification theory. I just touched the surface of it in 'The Long Walk Of the Alchemical Gambler".
Andy, Sorry to readabout your cat. One of ours passed away recently, and we have another who is 18 but acts still like a kitten. I think we could spend years debating death , but ultimately we will only find out when we are at that point. Meantime we must live the best we can. If there is no afterlife we shouldn't waste the gift we now have, and similarly if you believe there is an afterlife.
Thank you all very much for your comments.

Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:25:00 AM  
Blogger katy said...

well well glenn, been busy thinking i see.

good morning!

so they're not questions really, at all, but a statement on questions in poetry. am in interpreting correctly?

i like the way they read. i love that you have reason for them. i will admit, not everything i write has reason. sometimes, i just sounds pretty (is that a reason?).

as for captital letters... my new outlook capitalizes my sentences for me, which erks me a bit. i'm suriving though. the reason for no caps in poetry... ask marianne moore ^_^

Saturday, June 24, 2006 4:39:00 AM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

Hi Katy, marianne moore.. i thought it may have been e e cummings, but there is more relationship between yours and her works than his (not that Im overkly familiar with hers).
I wasn't really writing them as a statement on questions in poetry per se (tho I am what I do I guess). They are all questions (quite interesting ones on the whole I thought). The poem flows much better without question marks, but also invites the reader to wonder why. There was also a question unasked.. what was I hoping to find in the fridge that wasn't there that I hoped would be by searching again? You know, one of the age old questions of life! :-)

Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:01:00 AM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

ps you just sounding pretty seems a good reason, you decoration you LMAO
(kAty scores an own goal and the crowd roars!)

Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:03:00 AM  
Blogger Cecilia said...

Death can't afford to be hungry. At least I hope it wouldn't be. It would only expend more time on being a continuum of one's self while alive, asking more questions. I, too, hope that it's a "time" to find out the answers. In The Celestine Prophecy, the Ninth Insight says that this is the confidence that brings to light our purpose here. To evolve, to vibrate to a higher energy until we are "there". I guess this points out that death ultimately hold the answer to all our questions.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 12:16:00 AM  
Blogger Crunchy Weta said...

Funny thing about that book is that it came to me so synchronistically in the early 90's and here it is again.. I have had it mentioned to me about 4 times in the last two weeks. May have to reread it. This book probably makes more sense to me than just about any other religious or philosophical book I've ever read (perhaps a work or two of Jung and the Castenada book about how to dream lucidly and warnings of the pitfalls in the dreamworld.
I always felt the 10th prophecy a bit of a let down, although the workbook ws ok.
There is a lot of similarity to the works of Castaneda and Lampsung Rampa.
I guess death could be a rude surprise as much as an enlightenment - I've never felt it would be though.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:11:00 PM  
Blogger Cecilia said...

If you would remember the key "lessons" in TCP, the cues you've been getting (ie, this book being mentioned to you for 4 times now), it may be real time you take a peek into it. Maybe there's a message for you.

I felt that I already knew the lessons from this book, having read other various spiritual books and having talked to friends who are into this. Yet, there was something elementally new to it that spoke directly to me.

Everything seems to be sharper these days despite my "situation". The book's taught me that (how to look at things appreciative way). Simple, common, taken for granted "saying" but it DOES take you to another level when you keep it close to your heart. Am I making sense?

I will be checking out the authors you mentioned. Thanks, Glenn!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 2:13:00 AM  
Blogger mareymercy said...

I like poems that take me somewhere I didn't expect to go, and this one does that well.

Friday, August 25, 2006 4:44:00 AM  

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