DO NOT (Wasting Your Life With Thoughts About Nothing)
Do not think of a shadow
Do not visualise a rainbow
Do not imagine a vacuum
Do not wonder if she was right
Do not picture inside of a circle
Do not feel your breath inhale
Do not remember a lost love
Do not calculate one minus one
Do not conceive of starving millions
Do not envisage a dinosaur
Do not consider global warming
Do not reflect upon your image
Do not do what I tell you to do
Think for yourself.

Do not visualise a rainbow
Do not imagine a vacuum
Do not wonder if she was right
Do not picture inside of a circle
Do not feel your breath inhale
Do not remember a lost love
Do not calculate one minus one
Do not conceive of starving millions
Do not envisage a dinosaur
Do not consider global warming
Do not reflect upon your image
Do not do what I tell you to do
Think for yourself.

Labels: electronica, existentialism, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, philosophical poetry, philosophy and music, philosophy music, poetry, science music
i just did everything you told me not to.
OK, OK I won't... er, no I will... ahhhhhhhhhhh I'm so confused! Seriously, I love it. 8^D
Heh heh heh the ol' infallible double negative reverse kickback anti-thrust.
this is so you.
the antithetical simon says.
Funny you should say that.. my daughter (2 next week ) has just learned to play Simon says. I also remember one of those myriad of programmes about child development/raising that said you should never tell a child "Dont ..." as they inevitably don't hear the don't and focus on the rest of what you say!
Although antithetical simon says has a nice ring to it, I'm not so sure of the implications of it's acronym! perhaps a smart one on occasion;-)
let's see if this works...
do not send me a link to one of your poems for the ringing of the bards #2
do not send it before july 1st
lots of thinking and considering to do... someone told me not too long ago not to spend too much time thinking, as it hinders on living ;)
Hi Glenn,
this poem is so simple yet so profound...the last line gives it all that profoundness when you say please do not do all i say..think for yourself...the climax is what the world needs today..
great writing!
Swan, i'll ry not to think about it. Sound advice from someone Id say.
Abhay, Thank you kind sir.
Katy I'll see if i can't do something about it.
Eh, its Monday, i wasn't planning on doing any of that stuff anyhow...
Oh, wait, double negative...
All right, I'll do all but the last one, it is, as I said, Monday. Mondays and relfection don't go together very well...
love love love this! I second the motion what Scheherazade said in here. This is also somehow fitting with my new poem. :)
For some reason I keep hearing my parents say..."Don't do as I do, do as I say." Thanks for the reminder!
know what weta?!!! this piece is straightfowardly opposite!!!
Ozy..put a big silly grin on my face you did
Yemanja.. lovely. Now tell me where you would go for a holiday!
Cecilia.. welcome back.. missed you and thanks for the latest gift from yourself- note I have neither asked anything nor said anything yet! Will do soon tho..
Shirley.. well parents have to have some perks!
Thanks, Glenn. It's been tough (still is, but fighting it out)....I need to re-charge with my passion (writing/blog) to take mind away from the giant realities of life. :)
Cecilia, whatever it is , if you write more thats a good thing!
Ian, it is an interesting thing! I found it interesting that to tell someone to think for themselves almost has the feel of a double negative to it. Can anyone not think for themselves?
Travis, Thank you. I'm never quite certain about truth.
Love it! (Though I have to say, not a big fan of the avatar--I hate insects!)
I am so glad to read your poetry in the Carnival. I do hope you're planning on submitting a link for next week's Carnival (I'll be hosting).
Napoleon had his bumblebee
Lovebug nuber fifty three
Me I have the ugly weta
Quite perfect as my avatar.
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