Robogenesis 1 v.27
in his divine image he created them.
And all the robots
Were in communion.
And those looking
for love
sat on the left
in rows.
And those seeking
sat in the middle
And those googling
sat on the right
And the losers
stood at the rear
with the program
And how the midi enabled
did manifest
their unison
in heavenly chorus.
And how the high
priest of A.I.
did sway
and collect.
Man looked at everything he had made
and he found it very good.
Evening came
And morning followed...
The sixth day.
Here is a tune about robots manifesting their heavenly midi enabled chorus
Labels: electronica, existentialism, experimental, experimental music, free mp3, free music, kiwi music, music and poetry, NZ, nz music, nz poetry, philosophical poetry, philosophy and music, philosophy music, poetry, Science, science music